The Akamai Foundation supports STEM education, drives volunteering, and cares for our communities to play a central role in making life better for billions of people, trillions of times a day.

2023 Annual Report

A Message from Kara DiGiacomo

Dear Colleagues and Community Members, 

We are pleased to share the 2023 Akamai Foundation Annual Report. This year we continued providing equal access to quality STEM education, elevated the tremendous community volunteerism of Akamai employees, and supported our global communities during difficult times, in conjunction with our incredible global partners. We were especially excited to grow and nurture deeper relationships with grantees, which included connecting them to select teams within Akamai, sharing free educational resources, collaborating on service projects, and understanding the broader impact of our combined efforts. We recognize that we accomplish more together, and estimate that the partnerships and programs funded in 2023 will touch more than seven million lives. We hope you’ll take a moment to explore the work of our valued partners.


Kara DiGiacomo
Director of Corporate Philanthropy, Akamai
Executive Director, Akamai Foundation

Click on the links above or scroll down to learn more

Our Global Impact:
2023 Giving Highlights

2023 STEM Partners at a Glance

At the Akamai Foundation, we select partners that align with our giving mission, core values, Inclusion, Diversity, and Engagement (ID&E) philosophy, and overall vision. In 2023, we piloted a survey to hear from our STEM partners, and participant responses indicated that:

of Foundation partners prioritize building an inclusive workplace
100 %
support low-income or historically underrepresented communities
100 %
provide critical services and basic educational needs of students they serve
87 %
are returning grant partners
85 %

STEM Education Grants

Akamai and the Akamai Foundation strive to create a more diverse technology industry by supporting both early education and later stages of the talent pipeline, such as underrepresented populations in college, technology career pathways, and entrepreneurship. Ensuring STEM opportunities for all today makes it possible for diverse teams to build the technologies of tomorrow. In 2023, the Akamai Foundation continued these efforts with the help of our partners, awarding more than $2.1 million in STEM grant funding to 64 organizations globally.

Early Learner (K-12) STEM Education Grant Highlights

The Akamai Foundation is dedicated to both digital equity and inclusion and providing equal access to quality STEM education opportunities for K-12 students. We partnered with over 50 global organizations in 2023, awarding in total more than $1.4 million to help nurture early learner STEM advancement in the communities where we live and work.

Empower STEM Grant Program Highlights

The Empower STEM Grant Program entered its second year in 2023. This program focuses on broadening the diversity of talent entering the tech industry by increasing currently underrepresented populations in college, tech career pathways, and technology entrepreneurship. The 2023 Empower grants were awarded to organizations dedicated to diversifying the technology industry, while focusing on cybersecurity education and training.

Employees in Action

At Akamai, employees embody our core value of “Giving Back,” showing passion and support for their global communities. Employees come together as “One Akamai,” sharing the ways they volunteer and what drives them to make a difference. Check out a few of our social media highlights and join the conversation:

Employee Giving

Employee matching gift campaigns allow the Akamai Foundation and Akamai employees to collectively activate giving to support a broad range of social issues and topics, as well as global disaster relief efforts and humanitarian aid. In 2023, the Akamai Foundation doubled donations made by employees for a wide variety of causes worldwide. Together, Akamai employees and the Akamai Foundation Matching Gift Program awarded $450K through our giving platform.


Community Care Days & Employee Volunteerism

Danny Lewin co-founded Akamai Technologies and was believed to be the first victim of the 9/11 attacks. One of the ways we continue to embody his passion, enthusiasm, and energy is through the Danny Lewin Community Care Days (DLCCD), as well as virtual, in-person, and team events throughout the year. Every employee has 16 hours of paid time off each year to spend volunteering for an organization or cause of their choice. In 2023, employees logged more than 6,700 cumulative volunteer hours during 113 company-hosted events and activities uniting our teams around the globe. In addition, employees registered 487 individual volunteer activities.

Click on the photos to explore 2023 DLCCD projects







View highlights from our global 2023 Danny Lewin Community Care Days.

Spotlight Volunteer Project: School Transformation

More than 25 volunteers from Akamai India gathered to paint murals at the Agara Government School. The school supports over 500 students, most of whom are from migrant families. Volunteers worked on revitalizing two classrooms with murals dedicated to values, ethos, and aspirational vision.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Akamai Foundation Community Collaboration

Social impact work is most powerful when it’s done as part of a larger collaborative effort. It’s this idea that led to the partnership between the Akamai Foundation and Akamai’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). ERGs are an essential part of the Akamai community, raising awareness of minority groups, providing opportunities for personal development, and advancing inclusion and diversity. ERGs facilitate community engagement, providing invaluable insights on real-time community needs. The Akamai Foundation united with Akamai ERGs to form a social impact program that fosters community connection and partnerships. These community partnerships engage and empower participants, create a meaningful impact, and provide development opportunities for employees.  

In 2023, ERG members selected 31 organizations to collectively receive over $100,000 in grants in support of programs with missions and purposes aligned with Akamai values.

Here are a few examples of this year’s ERG-selected grantees:

Asian and Pacific Islander Circle (APIC)

The Asian and Pacific Islander Circle ERG, or APIC, celebrates Asian and Pacific Islander heritage and tradition by providing a safe, open space for knowledge sharing, building community partnerships, and pushing for positive policy changes within Akamai.


One of Akamai’s first ERGs, Parents@Akamai, supports caregivers in the workplace by nurturing career growth and addressing the challenges working parents and caregivers face. In alignment with their mission, Parents@Akamai awarded funds to organizations that positively impact children and families.

In Reach

In Reach is a community of Akamai employees with physical disabilities and/or mental health conditions, and their allies. Founded in 2018, Akamai’s newest ERG strives to make the Akamai workplace experience increasingly accessible to everyone, not just at the minimum level required by law, but in a way that all employees can thrive.

Women’s Forum

The Women’s Forum ERG fosters community for the women of Akamai and their allies. Through initiatives like mentoring and professional development, Women’s Forum builds connections in support of women both within Akamai and the broader community.

Akamai & the Akamai Foundation Reach Out

The Akamai Compassion Fund allows us to truly unite during times of difficulty, supporting colleagues wherever they are in the world.

The Akamai Foundation established the Akamai Compassion Fund in recognition that hardship has no boundary. The fund was developed by employees, for employees, with additional funds from the Akamai Foundation. This employee hardship fund focuses on providing relief grants for employees facing difficult and unexpected circumstances. Even as we grow as a global organization, located in multiple countries and cities around the world, we strive to be there for each other. In 2023, the program provided more than $100,000 USD in grants to employees facing unexpected challenges. Through this program we put the spirit of “One Akamai” into action.

Global Disaster Relief

The Akamai Foundation recognizes the strength in unifying resources to have the greatest impact in areas where our employees live and work. We mobilize during times of crisis, using our giving programs to facilitate resilience and recovery for our employees and their communities.

We prioritize employee safety and well-being, partnering with employees to respond in meaningful ways. In addition to the Akamai Compassion Fund and humanitarian grants, the Foundation offers employee matching gift programs to support employees and double donations to charities of their choosing.

Akamai Foundation Governance

The Akamai Foundation Board is composed of eight Akamai leaders, spanning our global communities, helping us to consider philanthropy from a range of diverse perspectives. Site-specific employee review teams are also a key part of our grant process. Members include employees that are passionate about community engagement, social issues, and hands-on experience, with multiple teams involved across the U.S. in Atlanta, Georgia; Cambridge, Massachusetts; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Reston, Virginia; and the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as Costa Rica, Poland, India, the U.K., Japan, and Israel.

Leadership & Legacy

Learn more about the vision of the Akamai Foundation from board members Natalie Billingham, George Conrades, and Lauren Van Wazer:

Natalie Billingham reflects on the Akamai core value of “Giving Back.”

George Conrades shares the origin of the Foundation and the importance of “Giving Back” for Akamai employees.

Lauren Van Wazer discusses the Foundation’s dedication to digital equity.

Akamai Foundation Board Members

Tom Leighton
Chief Executive Officer, Akamai


Natalie Billingham
Senior Vice President, EMEA Sales and Channels & Managing Director EMEA, Akamai

George Conrades
Executive Advisor and Former CEO, Akamai

Kim Salem-Jackson
Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, Akamai

James Kretchmar
Senior Vice President & Chief Technical Officer, Cloud Technology Group, Akamai

Prasad Mandava
Vice President & Managing Director, IT/India Office, Akamai

Lauren Van Wazer
Vice President, Public Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Akamai

Anthony Williams
Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resource Officer, Akamai

Akamai Foundation Officers

Kara DiGiacomo
Executive Director 

Director, Corporate Philanthropy, Akamai

David Neshat

Vice President, Finance and Treasury, Akamai

Saskia Schwartz

Director of ESG Programs, Akamai

Khalil Smith

Vice President, Inclusion, Diversity, and Engagement, Akamai

Thank you, join us!

In 2024, we will build upon our momentum with our grant partners, Akamai employees, and community organizations to continue driving meaningful change.

Thank you to WilmerHale for their ongoing philanthropic pro bono legal support and guidance.

Thanks for viewing the Akamai Foundation 2023 Annual Report.

This report, published 2024, speaks as of the date it is published. Neither Akamai nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility or obligation to update or revise any such information, data, opinions, or activities. This report does not, and is not intended to, create any relationship, rights or obligations, legal or otherwise, and you should not rely upon this report to do so.

Our goals and philanthropic initiatives are aspirations. They are not guarantees or promises that we will meet all or any of our goals. Certain data reported regarding our philanthropic activities, such as total dollar amounts or number of individuals served, may be rounded, or estimated based on accepted methods.

The inclusion of information and data in this report is not an indication that such information or data or the subject matter of such information or data is material to Akamai for purposes of applicable securities laws or otherwise. This report and the information contained in this report are not incorporated by reference into and are not a part of any offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of the Company pursuant to any offering registered under or any offering exempt from the Securities Act of 1933.

London, U.K.

KORI Youth Charity

For over two decades, KORI Youth Charity (KORI) has empowered underrepresented young people in the U.K. and beyond. By creating and nurturing social networks for students in urban areas, this group inspires youth and illuminates new possibilities. KORI programs provide youth work interventions and opportunities so students can make strong steps forward. 

Partnering with the Akamai Foundation in 2023, KORI Youth Charity students visited offices around London for KORI Career Lab days. Through these Career Labs, students found inspiration to pursue passions they never imagined possible. One student, previously isolated at home, shared his newfound excitement that his passion for video games could lead to a career in software and gaming. 

Additionally, KORI works with refugees in and around London. Due to experiences with organizations like Akamai, refugee students have access to education outside of conventional schooling via apprenticeships and real life work experiences.

"People like me don't get to experience organizations like Akamai, they are way up there for the people from posh schools. I really loved the day."

KORI Youth Charity Participant

New York, U.S.

Tech Kids Unlimited

Tech Kids Unlimited (TKU) works specifically with neurodiverse (autism, ADHD, language-based learning disabilities, and auditory, sensory, and learning challenges) students ages 10 to 24. TKU improves digital equity by teaching disenfranchised students computational literacy, technology, and social emotional skills. 

The Akamai Foundation’s grant helped to fund the TKU Career Ladder program, a 12-week online program which mimics a workplace, but is intentionally designed for young people with advanced tech skills who learn differently. Participants are paid a stipend for their contributions and work together to complete projects for real clients.

This program helps neurodiverse students gain knowledge, acquire technical skills, and build work-based experience. Participant involvement creates valuable career opportunities for social networking in a safe and inclusive environment. For example, one student has been involved with TKU for more than three years, participating in many programs, such as the Digital Agency. After expressing a desire to share his knowledge and love of technology, he joined the staff of TKU in 2023 as a classroom counselor.

In 2022, TKU provided educational opportunities to 500+ students in the Greater New York City area, with 75% of TKU students able to receive financial aid. With the introduction of new in-person and virtual events and programs in 2024, TKU hopes to reach even more students in the coming year.

"Digital Agency is very inclusive and extremely patient with everyone they teach which allows for us to feel comfortable in asking questions and learning new things."

Tech Kids Unlimited DA Member

National, U.S.


ChickTech is an empowering organization that works to diversify the technology industry by expanding the pipeline and increasing the retention of underrepresented technologists, with a focus on women, girls, and nonbinary people of all ages. Founded in Oregon, this nationwide organization strives to provide STEM education to both K–12 students and adults.

With the support of the Akamai Foundation, ChickTech expanded programming to include new, impactful 2023 events. A shining example of this was ChickTech’s first in-person hackathon, organized and co-led by members of the student leadership committee in Portland, Oregon. The event was a success, even inspiring one attendee to start a student tech club at her high school. 

After 10+ years, ChickTech grew its offerings to include 1:1 mentorship opportunities, providing a necessary and difficult-to-find resource to more students than ever before. With the launch of this new initiative, 54% of the students registered for the first mentorship cohort of 2024 are first-time participants. This is an exciting indication that contributions from the Akamai Foundation help create the support students need to pursue an education and career in the technology sector.

"Every year I participate in the ChickTech program, [I] learn more about myself as a woman in tech. I discover new topics I am interested in and unlock skills that I didn't know I possessed. I am encouraged by my mentors and volunteers to pursue a career regardless of what I may think of myself. It gives me confidence and it makes me want to show the world just [how] amazing I will be in tech some day."

ChickTech student


Science Journal for Kids

Reaching an estimated 8 million students, Science Journal for Kids is an online magazine featuring scientific research and concepts targeted to K–12 students and educators. This teacher-founded nonprofit aims to make peer-reviewed papers more accessible for younger students. The Akamai Foundation’s Early Learner STEM grant awarded to Science Journal for Kids funded the production and publication of four scientific articles and one educational video on math, technology, and AI-related topics. With the support of organizations like the Akamai Foundation, content is free for all students, regardless of their school district’s budget.

"Thank you so much for all your hard work putting together all the science materials for students. I struggle with science sometimes, and it makes me really happy to see so many resources kids and teens (including me!) can use."

Tenth grade student from Canada


Women Who Code

Women Who Code (WWCode) is a global nonprofit that strives to empower women in technology and bridge the gender gap across the industry.

WWCode works to create programming, networking, and training for women and other underrepresented groups to succeed at every level of the technology sector. This organization provides resources, communities, and support for more than 360,000 diverse technologists globally.

Founded in 2011, WWCode strives to help members advance their careers at every stage. They do this through a community of collaboration and knowledge sharing, with a heavy emphasis on mentorship. Over 17,000 events have been implemented around the world to date. They offer tutorials and articles, information on jobs and leadership opportunities, daily technical and career events, and millions of dollars in funding for members’ scholarships and conference funds. Membership is free, and 97% of members would recommend the organization to others.  

WWCode has recently expanded its offerings to include training in—and communities dedicated to—blockchain, Python, data science, mobile, front end, and cloud. Additionally, their offerings now encompass a focus on the rapidly developing cybersecurity field. They aim to close the gender gap in this field, with the understanding that increasing diversity in the workforce also increases resilience against cybersecurity threats worldwide.

National (U.S.)


NPower is a U.S.-based nonprofit, operating at the forefront of bridging the digital divide. The organization provides comprehensive technology education and workforce development programs, primarily to young adults and military veterans in underserved communities. 

Representatives of these groups, supported by NPower, typically face many hurdles when entering the technology field, so NPower’s mission is to move people from poverty to middle class, specifically by offering training and tech job placement opportunities. To accomplish that goal, NPower focuses not just on the needed technical skills, but also on the ecosystem around success in the digital space, which includes building community and confidence.

Training programs focus on coding, IT support, and, notably, cybersecurity—a rapidly growing sector that impacts the entire global economy. Eighty-one percent of NPower graduates begin careers in tech or continue their education, and graduates see an average of a 420% increase in salary.

For over a decade, NPower has served more than 2,000 military-connected individuals training for and entering into technology fields across the country.

National (U.S.)

UNCF (United Negro College Fund)

Founded in 1944, the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) provides financial aid, professional development, and internship and career opportunities for students at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). 

The Akamai Foundation Empower STEM grant supports UNCF’s ability to serve students through the development and pilot implementation of their Tech Hub platform. The platform will allow UNCF to establish robust networks and affinity groups among students and alumni pursuing careers in the tech industry. In addition, the platform provides a unique space in which tech companies can establish an ongoing presence and connect with both students and alumni interested in internships, jobs, and careers.

". . . thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in the HBCU Innovation Summit. The experience opened my eyes to the possibilities of pursuing a career at companies like Google and others in Silicon Valley . . ."

Undergraduate HBCU student (CS major) who attended UNCF HBCU Innovation Summit, a three-day event bringing together students and Silicon Valley tech companies

Asian and Pacific Islander Circle (APIC)

 In 2023 APIC expanded to serve a broader population of Akamai employees, providing resources for Asian and Pacific Islanders, as well as expats working in Asian offices. APIC is striving to expand their US-based ERG to have more global impact. This exciting change reflects broader perspectives and creates a more collaborative environment for Akamai employees.

This past year, APIC collaborated with partners old and new, to provide aid for important causes that align with their mission statement. Continued support was given to the Boston’s Chinatown Neighborhood Center, which offers both English language lessons to the local Chinese community, and an afterschool center where children can learn and play. Continued support was also given to Asian Girls Ignite, a nonprofit focused on building a strong community of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) girls who celebrate their individual and collective power and also support STEM education for AAPI girls in the U.S. APIC’s partnership with the Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC) was an addition in 2023. With the rise of Asian hate following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the stigma surrounding mental health in many Asian communities, AMHC’s Lotus Therapy Fund makes psychotherapy more accessible and approachable to the Asian community living in the U.S.

APIC partnered with the Akamai Foundation to award a grant to all three organizations as they focus on providing resources to the Asian community and allowing individuals to feel a sense of belonging.

“The organizations APIC donates to align with APIC's mission statement, which is to continuously promote the Asian and Pacific Islander heritage and also provide a safe, open space for knowledge sharing and pushing for positive changes. From an Akamai business standpoint, these relationships with external organizations allow us to think holistically about how we, as a business, can learn and make a positive impact on our employees.”

Sarah L.
APIC Co-Chair


Food for Free is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., near Akamai’s global headquarters. This organization works closely with Greater Boston schools to provide families with access to nutrition outside of school hours. Parents@Akamai was thrilled to support the Weekend Eats Carrot Cards program, which provided over 2,200 food-insecure students with funds to purchase food on weekends.

Parents@Akamai also supported ChildFund International, which aids children facing poverty in 24 countries. This organization provides critical services to children and families in need, allowing children to grow up healthy, educated, skilled, and safe, so they are equipped to build brighter futures. 

With the rollout of Akamai’s new initiative extending employee leave to include pregnancy loss, failed adoption cases, and other difficult family situations, Parents@Akamai was proud to award a grant to the Empty Arms Bereavement Support (EABS) group. The founder and executive director of EABS gave a presentation on grief education and supporting colleagues experiencing loss.

“Akamai has a really strong story about wanting to support people being their whole selves at work. Part of that means supporting people in these really difficult moments.”

Sarah R.
Parents@Akamai Chairperson

In Reach

Dream a Dream is an Indian nonprofit organization focused on transforming education for India’s schoolchildren. Dream a Dream received both an Akamai Foundation Early Learner STEM grant and a grant from the In Reach ERG. The nonprofit used these grants to create the Dream Mentor site, which allows mentors and mentees to connect remotely. In this supportive space, students can explore career options, meet with mentors, practice self-development skills, and unlock new opportunities.

“The Dream Mentoring Program, to me, in one word/phrase, would be a source of light on a dark day.”

Mentee, Dream a Dream

Women's Forum

Based in Costa Rica, Rocket Girls focuses on tech education, playing a pivotal role with programs, courses, and mentorships that support women throughout their careers. Both Akamai and the Akamai Foundation have long-standing relationships with Rocket Girls, providing mentorship services to women in the program. In 2023, Akamai’s Global Women’s Forum ERG awarded Rocket Girls a grant to further amplify their reach. The ERG’s grant helped to purchase equipment, allowing Rocket Girls to keep focused on their mission to support women in tech. This past year, 1,562 students have taken part in Rocket Girls projects and programs.

“Rocket Girls' courses have had a positive impact on my personal, professional, and academic development. They have given me the confidence and skills needed to face challenges, expand my knowledge, and build meaningful relationships. I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in these courses and am excited about the continued growth they offer to more women in the future.”

Participant, Rocket Girls